
The Butterfly Project

Hello beautiful people! As much as I’d absolutely love to talk and open up about my self injury journey, I feel that it would not benefit neither me or you (the beautiful person reading this), as this is something I am still struggling with. I kindly request that you bear with me. Instead, below is…

Dealing With Abusive Parents

Hello beautiful people! First off, I know you’re terribly tired of hearing this sentence, but I hope you are all keeping safe. It’s quite a challenging time, but I hope you are keeping busy, if that helps you, or doing whatever you are doing to cope. I hope you’re all observing the necessary precautions to…

I Found Something Out.

Hello beautiful people! Something you should know about me: I’m always either loud as hell or quiet as hell – no in between. So when both extremes collide and I am suddenly talking nothing, something has gone terribly wrong. Which is what happened yesterday. It was a horrible day, a dull cloudy sky hovering around…

11:29 am

Hello beautiful people! The time now is 11:29 am. It is Tuesday, the twenty-fourth day of the third month of the two thousand and twentieth year of our Lord. I am surrounded by my aggressively pink and purple blanket, my favorite novel, my ugly back up journal because my parents stole mine, and a shiny,…

First Blog?

Hello beautiful people! My name is Jazzy. I am a black girl currently in my seventeenth year of what only the most generous soul would call my life. So basically, the objective of this blog is catharsis. catharsis (/kəˈθɑːsɪs/) noun the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions This process…

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